據ICIS-MRC網站6月29日莫斯科報道,據路透社稱,根據Refinitiv Eikon數據和路透社計算,俄羅斯7月份的閑置煉油能力較之前的計劃上調5.2% 至312.3 萬噸。
郝芬 譯自 ICIS-MRC
Russian offline primary oil refining capacity increased in July
Russia's offline oil refining capacity was revised up by 5.2% from the previous plan to 3.123 million tons in July, according to Refinitiv Eikon data and Reuters calculations, said Reuters.
The offline capacity has also been revised up this month, by 5.6% from the previous plan to 3.889 million tons.
The revision follows adjustments of maintenance schedule by some refineries.
As per MRC, global oil consumption is set to return to pre-pandemic levels by the first quarter of 2022, driven by a strong expansion in global manufacturing and freight transport as well as the gradual re-opening of major economies. Booming consumption from miners, manufacturers, shipping and trucking firms, as well as private motorists, is expected to offset the continued loss of jet fuel consumption from quarantine restrictions on passenger aviation. Global liquids consumption (including biofuels) is forecast to reach 100.6 million barrels per day (bpd) in March 2022, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).