據世界天然氣網站6月30日消息 荷蘭蓋特終端是一家由Vopak和Gasunie合資的公司,目前已經收到了由TotalEnergies和OMV合資公司帶來的第一批碳中和貨物。
這批貨物上個月通過Sovcomflot的液化天然氣油輪SCF La Perouse交付。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Gate terminal welcomes its first carbon-neutral cargo
Dutch Gate terminal, a joint venture of Vopak and Gasunie, has received the first carbon-neutral cargo, brought jointly by TotalEnergies and OMV.
The cargo was delivered last month via Sovcomflot’s LNG tanker SCF La Perouse.
Operating since September 2011, Gate import terminal is located at Maasvlakte in Rotterdam, contributing to the LNG supply in the Netherlands and Northwest Europe.
Its annual capacity is 12 billion cubic metres of LNG.
Ranking high on the terminal’s agenda is increasing sustainability and CO2 neutrality of the whole LNG supply chain and the LNG product itself, the company claims.
By using waste heat, Gate is already avoiding burning gas during the regasification activity, which means avoiding CO2 emissions. The goal is, however, to do more on carbon neutrality.