據油價網6月24日消息:分析師和交易員在接受彭博社調查時表示,市場普遍預計歐佩克+聯盟下周將決定進一步放松減產,但 8月份的額外供應可能仍低于市場供應短缺。
歐佩克+的部長們將于7月1日舉行會議,決定如何推進石油供應市場的管理,這是自4月份以來的首次會議。分析人士預計,此 次會議將比過去三個月發出更大的聲音,當時該組織開會只是為了確認其在5月至7月期間放松減產的計劃。
截至7月底,該聯盟每天將向市場返還210萬桶原油。現在市場在等待歐佩克+的下一步行動。已經有報道稱,該集團正在考慮 從8月份開始進一步放寬削減幅度。
然而,這位部長正在執行一項打擊做空者的任務,幾個月來一直警告交易員不要押注石油。今年,歐佩克+兩次出乎市場預期 ,因此沒有人排除下周再次出現意外的可能性。
馮娟 摘譯自 油價網
Analysts Expect OPEC+ To Raise Oil Supply From August
The OPEC+ alliance is widely expected to decide next week to further ease the collective production cuts, but the additional supply from August will likely still be less than the supply deficit on the market, analysts and traders told Bloomberg in a survey.
The ministers of OPEC+ meet on July 1 to decide how to proceed with the management of oil supply to the market in the first meeting since April, which analysts expect with more noise than in the past three months when the group was meeting just to confirm plans it had made for easing the cuts between May and July.
The alliance will have returned a total of 2.1 million barrels per day (bpd) on the market by the end of July. Now the market awaits the next move from OPEC+. Reports have already started to emerge that the group is considering further easing of the cuts from August.
Thirteen out of 15 analysts Bloomberg surveyed expect OPEC+ to add more barrels, but their average forecast is for additional supply of around 510,000 bpd from August. This is just a quarter of the expected supply deficit in August, according to estimates from OPEC+ itself, Bloomberg notes.
Many analysts believe that the group will not rush the easing with a large number, and the Saudi Energy Minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, has signaled continued caution about bringing too much supply too early.
“There will always be a good amount of supply to meet demand, but we’ll have to see demand before you see supply,” Abdulaziz bin Salman said at a forum in Russia earlier this month.
The minister, however, is on a mission to wrong-foot short sellers and has been warning traders for months not to bet against oil. This year, OPEC+ surprised market expectations two times, so no one is ruling out another surprise next week.
Yet, the most recent comments from Abdulaziz bin Salman suggest that easing of the cuts is on the way.
“We have also a role in taming and containing inflation, by making sure that this market doesn’t get out of hand,” he said at a conference, carried by Bloomberg.
Commenting on the OPEC+ noise, Saxo Bank said on Thursday:
“With US shale production showing no sign of a revival, the group can through its decision send a signal whether it is seeking higher prices or stability at current levels.”