據世界天然氣網6月10日消息 歐盟資助的有軌電車項目合作伙伴表示,世界上第一艘全電動快速客運渡輪已經在挪威的Fjellstrand造船廠開工建設。
其將配備兩臺電動機和一個1.5MWh容量的電池,充電功率超過2MW,這將是世界上第一艘根據國際高速船安全規范(HSC Code)分級的全電動零排放快速渡輪。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Construction starts on world’s 1st zero-emission fast ferry
The construction has commenced on the world’s first fully electric passenger fast ferry at the Fjellstrand shipyard in Norway, partners in the EU-funded TrAM project said.
Equipped to carry around 150 passengers, the catamaran vessel will be 31 metres long and will have a nine-metre beam.
It will be equipped with two electric motors and a 1.5MWh capacity battery with charging power of more than 2MW. This will be the world’s first fully electric and zero-emission fast ferry classed in accordance with the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Crafts (HSC Code).
As the TrAM project’s demonstrator vessel, it will begin a trial passenger service between the city of Stavanger and surrounding communities and islands in spring 2022 to test and validate the project findings.
The vessel has been designed for a service speed of 23 knots and has been named Medstraum (literally ‘with electricity’ and ‘co-current‘ in Norwegian).