據OE網站6月9日報道,渦輪機制造商Siemens Gamesa在周三發布的一份白皮書中表示,到2030年,風電可以在不排放溫室氣體的情況下生產氫氣,其成本可能與目前化石燃料發電的成本一樣低。
Siemens Gamesa表示,到2030年,利用陸上風力渦輪機為電解槽提供動力,從水中提取氫氣的成本可能與使用化石燃料一樣低,而海上風力發電到2035年也可能達到這一水平。其的成本預測是基于它所說的二氧化碳排放許可的公平定價。
主導全球海上風力渦輪機市場的Siemens Gamesa表示,其正在加快開發一個原型系統,以便在未來五年內利用海上風力發電生產氫。
郝芬 譯自 OE
Offshore Wind Could Produce Affordable Hydrogen by 2035 , Siemens Gamesa says
Wind power could make it possible to produce hydrogen without emitting greenhouse gases as cheaply as is currently feasible with fossil fuel energy by 2030, turbine maker Siemens Gamesa said in a white paper released on Wednesday.
Policymakers see green hydrogen, which is made with renewable power without emitting carbon, as a vital tool to help shift economies away from planet-warming energy sources and to stave off climate change, but want to reduce its sky-high costs.
Using onshore wind turbines to power electrolyzers that extract hydrogen from water could become as cheap as making it using fossil fuels by 2030, and offshore wind could get there by 2035, Siemens Gamesa said.
Siemens Gamesa said it based its cost forecasts on what it described as fair pricing for permits to emit carbon dioxide.
It also said it would only be possible to bring down the cost of green hydrogen and boost production if government and industry speed up building renewable capacity, developing a supply chain and supporting infrastructure.
"We can't underestimate the challenge of producing green hydrogen at the scale needed to deliver on the 2050 net-zero targets," it said.
Electrolyzers and battery storage can be added to existing wind farms, and sites near places that demand hydrogen can also start to produce it, the company said.
Siemens Gamesa, which dominates the global market for offshore wind turbines, said it is speeding up work on a prototype system to produce hydrogen-powered by offshore wind in the next five years.
It hopes to follow this with the first industrial-scale wind-to-hydrogen plant shortly afterwards.
Hydrogen has long been used as rocket fuel, in oil refining, to produce ammonia for fertilizers and to make steel and chemicals but production of this "grey" hydrogen usually relies on natural gas or coal, in processes that emit large amounts of carbon dioxide.
While governments are looking to transform their economies to run on electricity, they hope green hydrogen could also power industry, transport and heating, which are harder to electrify.