據今日石油2021年6月1日報道,西班牙最大的能源工業公司雷普索爾公司日前已同意把其在馬來西亞和越南第46號區塊的勘探和生產資產出售給總部位于吉隆坡的上市公司Hibiscus 石油公司旗下的全資子公司。
這筆交易包括PM3 CAA PSC的35%權益,2012年Kinabalu Oil PSC的60%權益,PM305 PSC的60%權益,PM314 PSC的60%權益,以及越南第46號區塊的70%權益。這些資產凈產量占到雷普索爾公司全球目前凈產量的2%。
李峻 編譯自 今日石油
Repsol sells exploration and production assets in Malaysia, Vietnam
Repsol has agreed to sell its E&P assets in Malaysia and in Block 46 CN in Vietnam to a fully owned subsidiary of Hibiscus Petroleum, a publicly-traded company based in Kuala Lumpur.
The sale of the company’s upstream assets in Malaysia and in Block 46 CN in Vietnam supports Repsol’s broader rationalization of its global portfolio, streamlining its presence from 25 to 14 core countries within the
framework of the multi-energy company’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan that focuses on the geographic areas with the greatest competitive advantages.
The transaction includes a 35% interest in PM3 CAA PSC, 60% in 2012 Kinabalu Oil PSC, 60% in PM305 PSC, 60 % in PM314 PSC, and 70% in Block 46 CN in Vietnam (a tie-back asset to the PM3 CAA production facilities). These assets represent approximately 2% of Repsol’s global current net output.
This transaction follows the sale of the company’s producing assets in Russia, the cessation of oil production activities in Spain and the exit from exploratory activity in other countries.
The funds raised from the transaction as well as the resulting capex savings will contribute to the global strategic goal of funding core projects and new low-carbon initiatives.
The agreement is subject to regulatory approval and the waiver of partners’ preemption rights.