GlobalData石油和天然氣分析師Bhargavi Gandham評論道“到2025年前,亞洲預計將見證123條已計劃和已宣布的石油和天然氣管道開始運營。其中62條是已計劃的管道,其余的是已宣布的管道。
GlobalData認為,到2025年前,北美將成為全球已計劃和已宣布增加的油氣管道長度的第二大貢獻地區,占管道總增加量的19%。已計劃項目占總新增長度項目的52%,其余是已宣布的總長度為1.1433萬公里的項目。San ferndo - cactus項目是北美地區最長的即將到來的管道,全長1609公里。這條天然氣管道預計將于今年開始運營。
李峻 編譯自 阿拉伯貿易網
Asia to spearhead global trunk/transmission pipeline length additions
Asia is expected to drive the global planned and announced trunk/transmission pipeline length additions, contributing about 36% of the oil and gas pipeline length additions by 2025, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.
GlobalData’s report, ‘Global Length and Capital Expenditure Outlook for Oil and Gas Pipelines, 2021–2025 - India and the US Lead Global Pipelines Growth’, reveals that Asia is likely to have a new-build oil and gas pipeline length of 46,653 km by 2025. Planned projects that have received approvals for development account for about 82% of the total pipeline additions. The remaining 8,451 km are from early stage announced projects.
Bhargavi Gandham, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Asia is expected to witness the operational start of 123 planned and announced oil and gas pipelines by 2025. Of these 62 are planned pipelines and the remaining are announced pipelines.
GlobalData identifies North America as the second highest contributor to the global planned and announced oil and gas pipeline length additions by 2025 contributing 19% of the total pipeline additions. Planned projects account for 52% of the total additions while the rest are announced projects with total length of 11,433 km. San Fernando–Cactus Project is the longest upcoming pipeline in the region with a length of 1,609 km. The natural gas pipeline is expected to start operations in the current year.
The Middle East ranks third with 57 planned and announced oil and gas pipelines that are expected to start operations by 2025 with a total length of 15,228 km. Of these, 38 are planned oil and gas pipelines and the remaining are early-stage announced projects. EastMed is the longest upcoming pipeline in the region with a length of 1,900 km. It is also a natural gas pipeline expected to start operations in 2025.