據The Energy Year網站4月25日報道,阿聯酋正致力于成為未來氫經濟的國際領導者,據估計,未來氫經濟的市場潛力為11萬億美元。隨著阿布扎比國家石油公司(ADNOC)和阿聯酋清潔能源開發商馬斯達爾(Masdar)發揮核心作用,以及2021年初達成的一系列氫協議,該國的長期氫戰略正在形成。
據氫能源理事會(Hydrogen Council)的數據顯示,30多個國家已經制定了氫能源發展規劃,截至今年2月,整個價值鏈已宣布了228個大規模氫能源項目,其中85%位于歐洲、亞洲和澳大利亞。這意味著到2030年多達3000億美元的投資,其中800億美元可被視為成熟投資。
這些經濟因素推動氫成為幫助世界實現巴黎協定目標的有價值的替代能源。國際可再生能源機構總干事弗朗西斯科·拉卡邁(Francesco La Camera)在接受《能源年》(the Energy Year)采訪時表示,我們相信,到2050年,氫將發揮重要作用。他指出,投資者和政府對氫市場份額的青睞日益劇增。
郝芬 譯自 The Energy Year
The hydrogen future takes shape in the UAE
The UAE is positioning itself to become an international leader in the future hydrogen economy, which has an estimated USD 11-trillion market potential. With ADNOC and Masdar taking central roles and a series of hydrogen agreements made in early 2021, the country’s long-term hydrogen strategy is taking shape.
According to the Hydrogen Council, more than 30 countries have hydrogen roadmaps and as of February, there were 228 large-scale hydrogen projects announced across the value chain, with 85% of those located in Europe, Asia and Australia. These represent a USD 300-billion investment up to 2030, of which USD 80 billion can be considered mature.
Worldwide production of hydrogen has already reached 70 million tonnes per year, 96% of which is produced from steam reformation of fossil fuels. This so-called grey hydrogen has a carbon footprint of 830 million tonnes per year and costs about USD 1 per kilogram. Blue hydrogen, a technology under development, uses carbon capture and storage to remove around 50-70% of the CO2 emissions from grey hydrogen and costs at least USD 2 per kilogram.
On the other hand, green hydrogen is produced by electrolysers running off renewable energy and currently costs at least USD 4 per kilogram. When combusted, it produces only oxygen as a byproduct.
Green hydrogen has garnered the most interest and momentum since 86% of its cost comes from the electricity to power the electrolysers, so the continuous and rapid decline of the costs of wind and solar power is set to make this option cheaper in the future. The remaining 14% of the cost comes from the electrolysers, whose costs are also set to decline by 60-90% by 2030, particularly thanks to mass production in the biggest country in Asia.
These economic factors are pushing hydrogen as a valuable alternative for assisting the world in reaching the Paris Agreement targets. “We believe that hydrogen will play a significant role by 2050,” Francesco La Camera, director-general of the International Renewable Energy Agency, told The Energy Year, citing “growing investor and government appetite” for s share in the hydrogen market.
Moreover, hydrogen is now seen as the best solution to decarbonise energy-intensive sectors such as long-haul transportation, aviation, shipping and heavy industries such as steel, smelters, aluminium and petrochemicals. One reason is that it stores three times as much energy per unit of mass than conventional petrol.