據能源新聞4月29日消息稱,印尼國家石油公司PT Pertamina的一名官員周四表示,該公司第一季度國內和海外資產的油氣產量為86.1萬桶油當量/天。
印尼國家石油公司上游部門首席執行官Budiman Parhusip在一份聲明中表示,這比其最初84.8萬桶/天的目標高出2%。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 能源新聞
Indonesia's Pertamina says Q1 oil and gas output 2 per cent above target
Indonesia state oil company PT Pertamina's oil and gas output from both its domestic and overseas assets stood at 861,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in the first quarter, a company official said on Thursday.
This is 2 per cent higher than its initial target of 848,000 boepd, Budiman Parhusip, the CEO of Pertamina's upstream unit, said in statement.
At the end of March, domestic oil production was 298,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) this year, while oil lifting, or ready-to-sell oil, stood at 290,000 bpd, Budiman said.