據(jù)Oil & Gas Journal網(wǎng)站4月9日消息 俄羅斯天然氣工業(yè)股份公司已經(jīng)開始啟用其外徑28英寸、長(zhǎng)101.7千米的莫茲多克–格洛斯尼天然氣管道,并與斯塔夫羅波爾–格洛斯尼天然氣管道在同一走廊內(nèi)運(yùn)行,這條管道橫跨13條道路和6個(gè)水體,包括特雷克河。
王磊 摘譯自 Oil & Gas Journal
Gazpom starts service on Chechen gas pipeline
OAO Gazprom has begun service on its 28-in. OD, 101.7-km Mozdok–Grozny natural gas pipeline, running in the same corridor as the Stavropol–Grozny gas pipeline. The line crosses 13 roads and six bodies of water, including the Terek River.
Gazprom says the new pipeline and an associated distribution network will further strengthen reliability of power supplies in the Chechen Republic and bring gas directly to more consumers.
The project is part of a 5-year program for 2021–25 between Gazprom and the Chechen Republic on gas infrastructure expansion. Gazprom reports completing construction of four inter-settlement gas pipelines in Chechen Republic’s Groznensky District and three in its Shalinsky District. These are now undergoing startup and commissioning.
The company continues building 13 more gas pipelines in the Groznensky, Gudermessky, and Shalinsky Districts. Before end-2021, Gazprom plans to start laying another three gas pipelines in the city of Grozny and in the Achkhoy-Martanovsky and Urus-Martanovsky Districts.