???? 據阿拉伯貿易3月29日新聞消息稱,彭博社援引知情人士消息稱,國有的科威特石油公司計劃在未來五年內借入200億美元,以彌補預期的資金缺口。
????此后,KPC 已達成初步協議,將在15年內償還這筆款項。這位知情人士還說,這有所幫助,但不能解決該公司的問題。
????朱佳妮 摘譯自 阿拉伯貿易
????Kuwait Petroleum eyes $20bn in funding over next 5 years
????State-owned Kuwait Petroleum Corporation plans to borrow as much as $20 billion over the next five years to make up for an expected shortfall in funding, reported Bloomberg, citing a source familiar with the matter.
????The Kuwait oil giant will need the money to maintain the petrostate’s crude-production levels, stated the person on condition of anonymity.
????The borrowing plan underscores how badly Persian Gulf countries were impacted by the drop in crude prices last year as the coronavirus pandemic spread and energy demand plunged, said the report.
????The company remits almost everything it generates from crude sales to the Opec member’s government. It then gets reimbursed in installments to fund capital expenditure, mainly for upstream operations and investments in oil fields, it stated.
????The firm may face a deficit of KD6 billion ($20 billion) over five years, though it hopes to minimize the gap by becoming more efficient, reported Bloomberg.
????KPC plans to cover the shortfall by issuing debt, including on international markets. The situation will be reviewed every six months to assess the company’s needs and borrowing costs, said the report citing the source.
????The Opec member’s financial position - like that of almost all major oil producers - took a hit last year when the virus grounded planes and shut down businesses across the world.
????KPC has since reached a preliminary agreement to repay the sum over 15 years. That helps but won’t solve the company’s problem, the person added.