???? 據世界石油網站3月29日報道 貝克休斯公司已與SRI國際公司簽訂了全球獨家許可協議,使用SRI的創新混合鹽工藝(MSP)捕獲二氧化碳。SRI在開發MSP技術方面得到了美國能源部化石能源辦公室(FE)和國家能源技術實驗室(NETL)的支持。在與SRI達成協議之前,貝克休斯于2020年11月宣布收購Compact 碳捕獲公司,并進一步擴展和補充了其CCUS(碳捕獲、利用和儲存),用于處理化石燃料發電廠、燃氣輪機、工業應用和水泥行業的煙氣。
????王磊 摘譯自 世界石油
????Baker Hughes exclusively licenses carbon capture tech from SRI International
????Baker Hughes has entered into a global exclusive licensing agreement with SRI International to use SRI’s innovative Mixed-Salt Process (MSP) for CO2 capture. SRI has received support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy (FE) and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) in developing its MSP technology. The agreement with SRI follows Baker Hughes’ acquisition of Compact Carbon Capture announced in November 2020, and further expands and complements its CCUS (carbon capture, utilization, and storage) for applications such as the treatment of flue gases from fossil fueled power plants, gas turbines, industrial applications, and the cement industry.
????The advancement of carbon capture technology solutions is widely considered critical to delivering CO2 emissions reductions needed to meet global 2050 climate and net-zero emissions targets. In the energy and industrial sectors, carbon capture is among the most viable decarbonization paths for both retrofitting existing assets and greenfield projects. The Baker Hughes CCUS portfolio features advanced turbomachinery, solvent-based state-of-the-art capture processes, well construction and management for CO2 storage, and advanced digital monitoring solutions.