???? 據油田技術3月26日消息稱,埃尼和SONATRACH在勘探和生產、研究和開發、脫碳和培訓領域簽署了各種協議。
????Claudio Descalzi和Toufik Hakkar還簽署了一份諒解備忘錄,以發展埃尼和SONATRACH在新技術領域的合作伙伴關系,重點是可再生能源、生物燃料和氫氣。該協議旨在加強兩家公司在技術領域已經存在的合作,并繼續采取脫碳措施,支持向低碳未來過渡。
????曹海斌 摘譯自 油田技術
????Eni and SonATRACH to relaunch exploration and development activities in Berkine basin
????Eni and SonATRACH have signed various agreements in the exploration and production, research and development, decarbonisation and training fields.
????The first of the agreements signed aims to implement an ambitious programme for the relaunch of exploration and development activities in the Berkine basin region and provides for the creation of a gas and crude oil development hub through a synergy with existing MLE-CAFC installations. This agreement is part of the process for the finalisation of a new hydrocarbon contract in the basin, under the aegis of the new Algerian oil law which came into force in December 2019.
????Claudio Descalzi and Toufik Hakkar also signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the development of the partnership between Eni and SonATRACH in the new technologies sector, with a focus on renewable energy, biofuels and hydrogen. This agreement aims to strengthen the cooperation already in place between the two companies in the technological field and continue the decarbonisation path undertaken to support the transition towards a low carbon future.
????Eni and SonATRACH have also agreed to collaborate in other sectors such as staff training, through the signing of an agreement that provides for cooperation between Eni Corporate University and the Institut Algerien du Petrole for the implementation of training programmes in the upstream and new technologies related to the energy transition fields.