???? 據道瓊斯3月22日消息,國有石油巨頭沙特阿美表示,由于新冠疫情和價格戰擾亂了全球石油市場,該公司2020年利潤下降44%,但仍將遵守750億美元的股息承諾。
????張春曉 摘譯自 道瓊斯
????Saudi Aramco to Retain $75 Billion Dividend Despite Earnings Slump
????State-oil giant Saudi Aramco said it would keep its $75 billion dividend pledge despite a 44% drop in its 2020 profit, as the coronavirus pandemic and a price war roiled global oil markets.
????Net income for 2020 was 184 billion Saudi riyals ($49 billion), slightly above analysts' expectations.
????The Saudi petrochemical company's payouts, which mostly go to the Saudi government, were significantly higher than its 2020 free cash flow of $49 billion.
????The company's gearing surged from minus 4.9 percent in the first quarter of last year to 21.8% in the third quarter as it spent $69 billion for a majority stake in Sabic, the company said.