???? 在過去幾年里,氫存儲的使用在運輸部門急劇增加。這是由于其低成本和高存儲性能對動力燃料電池汽車的高要求。此外,根據世界核協會的估計,今后幾年,從原油生產運輸燃料所需的氫將迅速增加。這將反過來推動未來幾年對氫存儲的需求。
????根據印度市場研究公司P&S Intelligence的預測,2016年至2026年,該市場預計將以7.6%的復合年增長率增長。基于材料和物理的儲氫技術是最常用的。其中,近年來人們發現對物理儲氫技術的需求更高。
????馮娟 摘譯自 MENAFN
????Demand for Hydrogen Storage Set to Soar in Future
????During the last few years, the usage of hydrogen storage increased sharply in the transportation sector. This was because of its high requirement in power fuel cell automobiles, on account of its low cost and high-storage performance. Additionally, as per the estimates of the World Nuclear Association, the requirement for hydrogen for producing transport fuels from crude oil will rise rapidly in the future years. This will, in turn, fuel the demand for hydrogen storage in the coming years.
????Besides the above-mentioned factors, the rapid advancements being made in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are also driving the demand for hydrogen storage across the world. Furthermore, the governments of many countries are enacting various policies such as new funding opportunity for propelling the utilization of hydrogen storage. For example, in the U.K., the government made an investment of $2.21 million in the development of 100 additional hydrogen fuel cell cars and vans on May 10, 2016.
????According to the forecast of P&S Intelligence, a market research company based in India, the market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 7.6% from 2016 to 2026. Material-based and physical are the most commonly adopted hydrogen storage technologies. Of these, the demand for the physical hydrogen storage technology was found to be higher in the past years.
????The demand for this technology is also predicted to soar in the coming years, on account of the rising utilization of stored hydrogen in various end-use applications such as crude oil refining, glass production, transportation, metal working, and ammonia production. Transportation, stationary-power, and portable-power are the major application areas of hydrogen storage. Out of these, the usage of hydrogen storage is predicted to grow rapidly in the transportation sector in the upcoming years.
????Globally, the hydrogen storage market recorded the highest growth in Asia-Pacific in the past. The region will also witness rapid expansion of the industry in the future. This will be because of the rising utilization of the methanol made from hydrogen and the growing usage of various environment-friendly transportation fuels in the region. Additionally, the burgeoning requirement for ammonia in various manufacturing plants in India and China will add wings to the hydrogen storage demand in the coming years.
????Hence, it is safe to say that the requirement for hydrogen storage will shoot-up across the world in the forthcoming years, mainly because of the rising usage of the technology in the transportation, lubricants, and oil and gas industries.