???? 據Oil & Gas Journal網站3月22日消息 美國石油學會(API)最新月度統計報告顯示,2月份,按國內石油總產量計算,美國石油需求為1930萬桶/日,與1月份相比下降1.7%,與2020年2月相比下降2.5%,考慮到2020年COVID-19衰退和冬季相關的中斷,這一比例相對強勁。
????2月,410萬桶/日的餾分油需求量比1月增長2.9%,同比增長3.1%。因此,到2021年,餾分油/柴油燃料需求繼續超過其COVID-19之前的水平。2月份,DAT iQ行業趨勢線顯示,現貨平板、貨車和冷藏車負荷增長強勁。由于運力依然緊張,貨運量溢出至聯運和鐵路行業。
????王磊 摘譯自 Oil & Gas Journal
????API: US February petroleum demand down 2.5% year-over-year
????In February, US petroleum demand, as measured by total domestic petroleum deliveries, was 19.3 million b/d, according to the latest monthly statistical report from the American Petroleum Institute (API). This reflected decreases of 1.7% from January and 2.5% compared with February 2020 – relatively strong considering the 2020 COVID-19 recession and winter-related disruptions.
????Consumer gasoline demand, measured by motor gasoline deliveries, was 7.9 million b/d in February. This represented an increase of 1.2% from January but an 11.6% decrease compared with February 2020. On average over the past 10 years, gasoline demand growth in the month of February averaged 3.4% m/m over that of January, so the 1.2% m/m change this year was less than half of the historical seasonality. Consequently, much of recent driving activity was likely borne out of necessity, as opposed to discretionary travel that could have produced the higher seasonal variation that has been historically observed.
????In February, distillate deliveries of 4.1 million b/d rose by 2.9% from January and 3.1% y/y. Consequently, distillate / diesel fuel demand continued to exceed its pre-COVID-19 levels so far in 2021. DAT iQ industry trendlines showed strong growth of spot flatbed, van, and reefer truck loads in February. As capacity remained tight, freight volumes spilled into the intermodal and rail sectors.
????Jet fuel deliveries were 1.1 million b/d in February, which was a decrease of 6% from January and 30.4% below the level of February 2020. This was consistent with Flightradar24 high-frequency data that showed a drop versus flights in January and February 2020.
????Deliveries of residual fuel oil, which is used in electric power production, space heating, industrial applications and as a marine bunker fuel, were 0.28 million b/d in February. This reflected sharp seasonal increases of 52.2% from January and 88.7% compared with February 2020 to near the top of the five-year range.
????Deliveries of liquid feedstocks, such as naphtha, gasoil, and propane/propylene (other oils) used primarily in refining and petrochemical manufacturing, were 5.9 million b/d in February. This was an increase of 20.7% y/y and a new high for the month of February. However, the 5.9 million b/d reflected a seasonal decrease from the record 6.5 million b/d in January, likely due to refining and petrochemical plant disruptions with the cold snap as well as February being a short month. Even still, other oils represented 30.4% of total US petroleum demand for the month, compared with its average 24.7% share between 2016 and 2020.