???? 據3月10日Hart Energy報道,美國能源信息署(EIA)估計,美國2月份的原油產量較1月份減少了50萬桶/天,這主要是由于嚴寒天氣使美國大部分地區受到影響,尤其是德克薩斯州。
????EIA于 3月9日表示,預計2021年美國原油產量將減少16萬桶/天,至1115萬桶/天,降幅小于此前預測的29萬桶/天。預計2021年美國石油和其他液體燃料消費量將增加141萬桶/天,至1953萬桶/天,增幅與此前預測相同。
????根據能源服務公司貝克休斯(Baker Hughes Co.)的最新報告,隨著原油價格反彈,美國鉆機數量也開始攀升,上周鉆機數量增加1個,達到310個,為5月份以來的最高水平。
????王佳晶 摘譯自 Hart Energy
????US Crude Oil Production in 2021 to Decline Less Than Previously Forecast: EIA
????The EIA estimated that U.S. crude oil production in February was down 500,000 bbl/d from estimated January production, mostly due to the cold temperatures that affected much of the country, particularly Texas.
????U.S. crude oil production is expected to fall by 160,000 bbl/d in 2021 to 11.15 million bbl/d, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on March 9, a smaller decline than its previous monthly forecast for a 290,000-bbl/d drop.
????The agency said it expects U.S. petroleum and other liquid fuel consumption to rise 1.41 million bbl/d to 19.53 million bbl/d in 2021, the same increase as its previous forecast.
????Oil prices have rebounded from the lows touched in 2020. OPEC and its allies, a group known as OPEC+, agreed this month not to increase supply in April as they await a more substantial recovery in demand amid the coronavirus pandemic.
????U.S. rig counts have also begun to climb as crude prices rebound, with oil rigs rising by one to 310 last week, their highest since May, according to the latest report by energy services firm Baker Hughes Co.
????The EIA estimated that U.S. crude oil production averaged 10.4 million bbl/d in February, which is down 500,000 bbl/d from estimated January production. Most of the decline reflects the cold temperatures that affected much of the country, particularly Texas, the EIA said.
????As COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out worldwide, the demand outlook is also improving, boosting oil prices.
????The EIA forecast that global consumption of petroleum and liquid fuels will average 97.5 million bbl/d for all of 2021, which is up by 5.3 million bbl/d from 2020. The agency forecasts that consumption will increase by another 3.8 million bbl/d in 2022 to average 101.3 million bbl/d.