???? 據ICIS網站2月2日消息 與往年不同,2021年農歷新年后的化工市場將在中國這個世界第二大經濟體以及慶祝春節的亞洲其他地區有著獨特的不同。
????ICIS高級分析師Rhian O’Connor表示:“去年中國的許多需求來自出口,尤其是口罩、筆記本電腦和在家工作的屏幕等用品。 隨著歐洲和其他西方國家采取滾動封鎖措施,部分需求可能會在今年繼續。”
????Rhian O’Connor 補充說:“購物模式已經轉變,網購越來越多,這在未來不大可能改變。這有利于包裝聚合物,如收縮和拉伸包裝膜,以及更耐用的貨物,如電子聚合物。”
????王磊 摘譯自 ICIS
????Asian chemical demand sentiment mixed post-Lunar New Year
????Unlike previous years, post-Lunar New Year chemical markets in 2021 will be uniquely different in China - the world's number-two economy - as well as in other parts of Asia where the holiday is celebrated.
????This year will be adopting the playbook of the unprecedented 2020 as the pandemic continues to rage on, with the visceral difference of having vaccines in place and global inoculation is being rolled out at different pace and rate.
????At issue, the extent of plastics demand recovery in Asia remains to be seen on prospects of businesses resuming earlier than past years, when factories shut for two to four weeks during the holiday in China.
????"Most of small and medium plastic processors in China will gradually resume operations after 26 February. Demand may recover earlier than usual as some workers will not go back to their hometown this year. The labor shortage might not be serious this year," said ICIS senior analyst Amy Yu.
????This novel trend to resume businesses faster than previous years after the Lunar New Year will be a boon to the Chinese economy, with manufacturing having already expanded for 11 consecutive months, and to Asian plastics demand at large.
????"A lot of China’s demand last year came from exports, particularly pandemic supplies like masks, laptops and screens for working at home. Some of this demand is likely to continue this year with rolling lockdown measures across Europe and other Western countries," said ICIS senior analyst Rhian O’Connor.
????"Shopping patterns have shifted, with more online purchases and this is unlikely to change in the future. This benefits packaging polymers like shrink and stretch wrap film, as well as more durable goods like polymers for electronics," O'Connor added.