???? 據世界天然氣網站2月5日消息 瑞典渡輪公司Stena Line計劃不遲于2030年在哥德堡和丹麥弗雷德里克沙文之間的航線上開始運營兩艘無化石電池動力船。
????這是由Stena Line首席執行官在2月4日哥德堡舉行的關于行業合作項目Tranzero計劃的新聞發布會上所宣布。
????為了加快運輸行業向無化石燃料過渡,Stena Line與沃爾沃集團、斯堪尼亞和哥德堡港共同參與了Tranzero倡議合作項目,以大幅減少斯堪的納維亞最大港口的碳排放。目標是到2030年將哥德堡港的排放量減少70%。
????瑞典政府電氣化委員會成員、Stena Line集團首席執行官Niclas M?rtensson表示:“我們將使用電池驅動的Stena Elektra船只。一年內,我們將制定規劃,最遲到2025年,計劃訂購第一艘船舶,這將是朝無化石航運邁出的一大步。”
????據了解,Stena Elektra將是世界上第一艘此種尺寸的無化石燃料RoPax船,長度約為200米,載客量為1000人,貨運能力為3000車道米。
????該船將采用高強度鋼制造,以減輕重量和提高效率,估計該船將使用電池供電,行駛約50海里,即哥德堡和弗雷德里克沙文之間的距離。電池容量約為60-70 兆瓦時,船舶將在港口充電。
????Stena Line還考慮將電氣化與燃料電池、氫氣和生物甲醇等其他替代無化石燃料相結合,以延長船只的使用范圍。
????M?rtensson 表示:“航運電氣化才剛剛開始。在未來的幾條短途海運航線上,電池混合動力和電池動力船舶都有巨大的潛力。”
????王磊 摘譯自 世界天然氣
????Stena Line to order 1st fossil-free ship by 2025
????Swedish ferry company Stena Line plans to start operating two fossil-free battery-powered vessels on the route between Gothenburg and Frederikshavn in Denmark no later than 2030.
????This was announced by Stena Line’s CEO during a press conference about the industry collaboration project Tranzero Initiative, in Gothenburg on 4 February.
????In an effort to speed up the transition to fossil-free fuels in the transport sector, Stena Line together with Volvo Group, Scania and the Port of Gothenburg have joined forces in the Tranzero Initiative collaboration project to bring about a significant reduction in carbon emissions linked to the largest port in the Scandinavia. The aim is to cut emissions by 70 per cent by 2030 in the Port of Gothenburg.
????“We now move from vision to vessel with the battery powered vessel Stena Elektra. Within a year we will present the outline specifications and at the latest by 2025 we plan to order the first vessel. This will be a huge step towards fossil free shipping,” Niclas M?rtensson, CEO of Stena Line Group and member of the Swedish Government Electrification Commission, commented.
????As informed, Stena Elektra will be the world’s first fossil-free RoPax vessel of its size and will measure approximately 200 metres in length and combine a passenger capacity of 1,000 with 3,000 lane metres freight capacity.
????The vessel will be built in high tensile steel to lower the weight and increase efficiency and it is estimated the vessel will run on battery power for approximately 50 nautical miles, the distance between Gothenburg and Frederikshavn. The battery capacity will need to be approximately 60-70 MWh and the vessel will be charged in port.
????Stena Line also looking into combining the electrification with other alternative fossil-free fuels such as fuel cells, hydrogen and bio methanol for longer reach of the vessels.
????”The electrification of shipping has only just began. We see a great potential for both battery hybrids and battery powered vessels on several of our short-sea shipping routes in the future,” M?rtensson continued.
????“But, it takes more than the electrical ships, we also need to develop the infrastructure and charging possibilities in the ports and terminals in the same pace and that is a reason why collaborations projects like this are so important.”