???? 據管道油氣新聞網2月8日消息:近日,西門子能源公司和液化空氣集團簽署了一份諒解備忘錄,旨在將他們在PEM(質子交換膜)電解技術方面的專業知識結合起來。
????氫將在實現歐盟減少二氧化碳和溫室氣體排放的目標方面發揮重要作用。為了滿足快速增長的需求并降低成本,通過大型PEM電解槽加快可持續制氫速度。在合作框架下,西門子能源公司和液化空氣集團將根據歐盟綠色交易和歐洲共同利益重要項目(IPCEI)--由法國和德國政府資助的氫氣計劃,聯合申請大型項目資助。 IPCEI資金需要快速啟動該項目,并滿足歐洲綠色新政、歐盟氫戰略以及法國和德國國家氫戰略設定的挑戰性時間表。
????西門子能源首席執行官Christian Bruch表示:“建立可持續的氫經濟仍需要修改能源市場的框架條件。然而,只有通過合作才能塑造市場。我們非常感謝與液化空氣集團共同創造新的解決方案。我們將共同克服未來的挑戰,實現技術工業化,并使可持續生產氫氣成為一個成功案例。”
????聯邦經濟部長Peter Altmaier稱:“氫是德國能源轉型成功的關鍵因素,也是歐洲和全球應對氣候變化努力的關鍵。德國堅定地致力于支持氫技術的市場增長,并正在努力實現歐洲氫工業計劃。在此背景下,非常高興西門子能源和液化空氣集團在這一領域展開合作,期待著法德兩國強大的氫能項目很快上線。”
????馮娟 摘譯自 管道油氣新聞網
????Siemens Energy and Air Liquide to partner on sustainable hydrogen production
????Siemens Energy and Air Liquide have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the objective to combine their expertise in PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) electrolysis technology.
????They intend to focus their activities on these key areas: co-creation of large industrial-scale hydrogen projects in collaboration with customers, laying the ground for mass manufacturing of electrolyzers in Europe, especially in Germany and France, and R&D activities to co-develop next generation electrolyzer technologies.
????Hydrogen will play an essential role to achieve the European Union’s objectives for CO2 and greenhouse gas emission reduction. In order to meet rapidly growing demand, and to lower costs, it is key to accelerate the production of sustainably generated hydrogen through large-scale PEM electrolyzers. In the framework of their cooperation Siemens Energy and Air Liquide will jointly apply for large projects funding under the EU’s Green Deal and important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI)-scheme for hydrogen, funded by the French and German Governments. The IPCEI-funding is required to fast start those activities and meet the challenging timeline set out by the European Green New Deal, the EU Hydrogen Strategy as well as the French and German National Hydrogen Strategies.
????With this cooperation, Siemens Energy and Air Liquide will strengthen their core competencies enabling the emergence of a sustainable hydrogen economy in Europe and to initiate a European ecosystem for electrolysis and hydrogen technology together with other partners. The partners have already identified cooperation opportunities for large scale sustainable hydrogen projects both in France, Germany and other European countries. One of these opportunities is the Air Liquide-H2V Normandy project in France with a capacity of 200 MW, one of the most ambitious European projects for hydrogen production from renewable energies.
????Christian Bruch, CEO of Siemens Energy said: “Building up a sustainable hydrogen economy will still require to amend the framework conditions in the energy market. However, it will be through partnerships and collaboration that we can shape this market. We highly appreciate to co-create innovative solutions with Air Liquide. Collectively we will overcome the challenges that lie ahead to industrialize the technology and make sustainably generated hydrogen a success story.”
????Beno?t Potier, Chairman and CEO of Air Liquide, said : “Hydrogen is a key enabler of the energy transition. In the context of an unprecedented acceleration in Europe of hydrogen technologies and markets, the time to scale-up is now, notably in France and Germany. The partnership between Air Liquide and Siemens Energy paves the way for the creation of a leading European ecosystem capable of supplying decarbonised hydrogen at competitive prices and promoting the emergence of a low-carbon society. We look forward to this Franco-German cooperation.”
????Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier: ”Hydrogen is a key element for the success of Germany’s energy transition and crucial for European and global efforts to combat climate change. Germany is strongly committed to support the market ramp up of hydrogen technologies and is working hard towards European Hydrogen IPCEIs. Against this background, I very much welcome that Siemens Energy and Air Liquide join forces in this domain and I am looking forward to seeing strong Franco-German hydrogen projects coming online soon.”