???? 據安迅思2月5日消息稱,林德公司宣布,已與韓國最大的工業集團之一曉星公司建立合作伙伴關系,在韓國建設、擁有和運營大量新的液氫基礎設施。
????林德韓國公司總裁BS Sung表示:“氫已成為實現《巴黎協定》規定的脫碳目標的全球能源轉型的主要推動力。韓國政府為氫動力燃料電池汽車設定了雄心勃勃的目標,而廣泛、可靠的液氫供應將有助于實現這些目標。我們很高興與曉星合作在韓國發展氫供應鏈。”
????曉星集團董事長Cho Hyun-Joon說:“我們與林德的合作是韓國國民氫經濟發展的基石,并將推動整個全國的液氫價值鏈,從生產、分銷到銷售和服務的發展。我們期待與林德合作,進一步加強和曉星作為全球氫能轉型的領導者的地位。”
????正如MRC早些時候告知的那樣,在2019年底,位于勞納的道達爾煉油廠又授予比爾芬格兩份價值約3000萬歐元的主要合同:第一份涉及更換反應堆系統; 第二,對工廠的POX甲醇設施進行轉型。
????林德是全球領先的氫生產、加工、儲存和分銷企業。它擁有世界上最大的液氫生產和分配系統。該公司還運營著世界上第一個高純氫儲存庫,以及一個無與倫比的約1000公里長的管道網絡,為客戶可靠地供應氫氣。林德在向清潔氫轉變的過程中走在了前列,在全球范圍內已經安裝了近200個氫燃料站和80個氫電解工廠。該公司通過其合資企業ITM Linde Electrolysis GmbH提供最新的電解技術。
????朱佳妮 摘譯自 安迅思
????Linde partners with Hyosung to build hydrogen facility in South Korea
????Linde announced that it has partnered with Hyosung Corporation (Hyosung), one of South Korea's largest industrial conglomerates, to build, own and operate extensive new liquid hydrogen infrastructure in South Korea, said the company.
????This robust hydrogen network will support the country's ambitious decarbonization agenda to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. On behalf of the joint venture, Linde will build and operate Asia's largest liquid hydrogen facility. With a capacity of over 30 tons per day, this facility will process enough hydrogen to fuel 100,000 cars and save up to 130,000 tons of carbon dioxide tailpipe emissions each year. based in Ulsan, the plants will use Linde's proprietary hydrogen liquefaction technology which is currently used to produce approximately half of the world's liquid hydrogen. The first phase of the project is expected to start operations in 2023.
????Under the partnership, Linde will sell and distribute the liquid hydrogen produced at Ulsan to the growing mobility market in South Korea. To enable this, the joint venture will build, own and operate a nationwide network of hydrogen refueling stations.
????"Hydrogen has emerged as a key enabler of the global energy transition to meet the decarbonization goals set out in the Paris Agreement," said B.S. Sung, President of Linde Korea. "The South Korean government has set ambitious targets for hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles and the widespread, reliable availability of liquid hydrogen will be instrumental to achieving these targets. We are excited to partner with Hyosung to develop the hydrogen supply chain in South Korea."
????"Our partnership with Linde is a cornerstone of the development of South Korea's national hydrogen economy and will advance the entire liquid hydrogen value chain across the country, from production and distribution to sales and services," said Cho Hyun-Joon, Chairman of Hyosung Group. "We look forward to working with Linde to further reinforce and strengthen Hyosung as a leader in the global hydrogen energy transition."
????As MRC informed earlier, in late 2019, the TOTAL refinery in Leuna awarded Bilfinger two further major contracts worth roughly EUR30 million: the first involves exchanging the reactor systems; the second, performing the turnaround for the plant’s POX methanol facility.
????We remind that Total is evaluating new gas cracker project in South Korea as part of petchems growth strategy.
????Linde is a global leader in the production, processing, storage and distribution of hydrogen. It has the largest liquid hydrogen capacity and distribution system in the world. The company also operates the world's first high-purity hydrogen storage cavern, coupled with an unrivaled pipeline network of approximately 1,000 kilometers to reliably supply its customers. Linde is at the forefront in the transition to clean hydrogen and has installed close to 200 hydrogen fueling stations and 80 hydrogen electrolysis plants worldwide. The company offers the latest electrolysis technology through its joint venture ITM Linde Electrolysis GmbH.?