???? 據2月8日Trade Arabia報道,根據國家統計和信息中心(NCSI)發布的最新數據顯示,2020年,阿曼石油產量(包括凝析油)為3.4794億桶,而2019年為3.5439億桶。
????馮于榮 摘譯自 Trade Arabia
????Oman’s oil, condensates output rises by 45.2pc
????Oman's oil production, including condensates, stood at 347.94 million barrels until the end of December 2020, compared to 354.39 million barrels according to the latest data released by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI).
????Of the total production, crude oil production declined by 9.1% to stand at 278.84 million barrels while condensates production rose by 45.2% to touch 69.10 million barrels, The Oman News Agency reported.
????The sultanate's daily average crude oil production stood at 950,700 barrels until the end of December 2020, against 970,900 barrels over the same period of 2019, the NCSI report added.
????However, the average price of the sultanate's crude oil fell by 27.6% to reach $46 per barrel until the end of December 2020, compared to $63.6 per barrel in the same period of 2019.
????The sultanate exported 287.04 million barrels of crude oil until the end of December 2020, compared to 310.33 million barrels for the same period of 2019, causing a decline of 7.5%.
????India with 17.80 million barrels, and South Korea with 4.99 million barrels and Japan with 3.92 million barrels.
????The sultanate's natural gas production and imports rose by 0.4% to 46,396 million cubic metres (mcm) till the end of December 2020, compared to 46,190 mcm for the same period of 2019.
????Of this, non-associated gas and imports rose by 2.6% to 38,870 mcm and associated gas production fell by 9.4% to 7,527 mcm.
????Usage of natural gas in industrial projects rose by 0.4% to reach 46,396 mcm at the end of December 2020, compared to 46,190 mcm for the same period of last year.