???? 據安迅思2月18日消息稱,據《化工周刊》報道,殼牌表示,它將每年投資40 - 50億美元來發展其化學品和產品業務,作為集團投資組合更廣泛再平衡的一部分,以在2050年達到凈零碳排放的目標。
????這些投資將在“短期內”進行,是能源巨頭今天宣布的加速其低排放努力的一系列戰略措施的一部分。殼牌還將在可再生能源和營銷方面每年投資50 - 60億美元,在綜合天然氣業務上每年投資約40億美元,在其遺留的上游資產上投資約80億美元。它還確認了其期望,即其總碳排放量在2018年達到1.7吉噸/年的峰值,公司石油產量在2019年達到峰值。
????殼牌首席執行官Ben van Beurden表示:“我們看到化學品需求將繼續增長,超過GDP……因此,我們將繼續發展我們的化學品業務,重點關注中間體和高性能化學品。這些都是我們在技術、規模和市場準入方面具有競爭優勢的領域。我們目前正在美國賓夕法尼亞州和路易斯安那州以及中國南海建設或研究項目。我們還將從回收的廢物中生產原始化學品。在我們增加利潤的機會和我們為增長而必須投資的選擇之間,到2030年,我們將每年增加10-20億美元的化學品現金產生。”
????van Beurden說:“當然,這六個能源和化學品園區將與我們的貿易和優化業務,以及我們獨立的化學品站點高度整合。我們向能源和化工園區的轉變意味著,到2030年,我們將減少55%的傳統燃料生產。與此同時,我們將生產更多低碳燃料和高性能化學品。”
????朱佳妮 摘譯自 安迅思
????Shell outlines USD4-5 billion annual spend on chemicals business growth
????Shell says it will invest between USD4-5 billion annually to grow its chemicals and products business as part of a wider rebalancing of its group portfolio to reach its net-zero carbon emissions goal by 2050, according to Chemweek.
????The investments, to be made “in the near term,” are part of a wide-ranging package of strategic measures the energy major announced today to accelerate its lower-emissions drive. Shell will also invest USD5-6 billion per year in renewables and marketing, around USD4 billion annually on its integrated gas business, and approximately USD8 billion on its legacy upstream assets. It also confirmed its expectation that its total carbon emissions peaked in 2018 at 1.7 gigatonnes/year and that company oil production peaked in 2019.
????“We see chemical demand continuing to grow, outpacing GDP… so we will continue to grow our chemicals business with a focus on intermediates and performance chemicals. These are the areas where we have competitive advantages in technology, scale, and market access. We are currently building or studying projects in Pennsylvania and Louisiana in the US, and at Nanhai in China. We will also produce virgin chemicals from recycled waste,” says Shell CEO Ben van Beurden. “Between our opportunities to increase margins and the options that we have to invest for growth, we will increase our chemicals cash generation by USD1-2 billion a year by 2030,” he says.
????Shell says it aims to complete before the end of the decade its previously announced plan to streamline its refining and chemicals business, reducing it from 13 refining sites currently to six core integrated energy and chemicals parks. These will deliver synergies and expand low-carbon product offerings, with the company to also undertake “selective growth in chemicals,” it says. It will utilize existing infrastructure and assets to enable a faster and more efficient transition, it adds.
????“These six energy and chemicals parks will be highly integrated with our trading and optimization business, along with our standalone chemicals sites, of course,” says van Beurden. “Our shift to energy and chemical parks means we will reduce our production of traditional fuels by 55% by 2030. At the same time, we will produce more low-carbon fuels and performance chemicals,” he says.
????The company’s enhanced focus on performance chemicals will achieve higher returns than from commodity chemicals due to increased resilience and lower volatility, according to Shell.
????The chemicals business will be grown as an “enabler,” Shell says. It aims to achieve this through investments in integrated petrochemical complexes in emerging markets, and by reducing its commodity chemicals exposure by up to 70% by 2030. This will be done by increasing margins through its investments in intermediate and performance chemicals projects, it says.