???? 據俄羅斯油氣網莫斯科報道,俄羅斯第2大石油公司盧克石油公司(Lukoil)公布的統計數據顯示,與2019年相比,去年盧克石油的石油產量減少了10.1%,天然氣產量減少了17.2%,原油加工量減少了14.7%。去年,COVID-19冠狀病毒疫情全球大流行對石油和天然氣市場產生了嚴重的負面影響,降低了全球對碳氫化合物的需求。
????盡管油價大幅下跌以及產量受到外部限制,但盧克石油公司的優先項目的開發仍在繼續。特別是,去年位于西伯利亞西的V. Vinogradov油田、Imilorskoye油田、Sredne-Nazymskoye油田和Pyakyakhinskoye油田的凝析油總產量同比增長了20.4%,達到了420萬噸。
????李峻 編譯自 俄羅斯油氣網
????In 2020 LUKOIL reduced oil production by more than 10%, gas by 17%
????Moscow, February 9 - Neftegaz.RU. In 2020, LUKOIL reduced oil production by 10.1%, gas production by 17.2%, and oil refining volume by 14.7% compared to 2019. Last year the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic had a sharp negative impact on the oil & gas market, bringing down the demand for hydrocarbons.
????In 2020 LUKOIL′s oil production totaled 77.2 million tonnes. Oil production dynamics was also driven by the OPEC+ agreement concluded in April 2020, based on this, crude production by the Group in Russia was cut in May 2020 by approximately 310 000 barrels per day. By the end of 2020 production was gradually increased by approximately 100 000 barrels per day as compared to the May level.
????Despite a sharp decrease in oil prices and external limitations on production volumes, development of the priority projects continued. In particular, in West Siberia total oil & gas condensate production in 2020 at the V. Vinogradov, Imilorskoye, Sredne-Nazymskoye and Pyakyakhinskoye fields increased by 20.4% year-on-year, to 4.2 million tonnes.
????High viscosity oil production at the Yaregskoye field and Permian reservoir of the Usinskoye field in 2020 increased by 6.2% year-on-year, to 5.2 million tonnes.