???? 據世界石油網站2月18日報道 Crescent Point能源公司同意以約9億加元(7.07億美元)的價格收購荷蘭皇家殼牌公司在加拿大西部的頁巖業務,這是加拿大油氣行業整合的最新實例。
????總部位于卡爾加里的Crescent Point能源公司將以5.5億美元現金和5000萬股Crescent Point 普通股收購殼牌的Kaybob Duvernay資產。該公司在一份公告中稱,預計到第二季度,這些資產將日產約3.5萬桶油當量,其中包括一些即將投產的已鉆井和未完工油井。
????此次收購是加拿大西部能源生產商參與的一系列交易中的最新一筆。上周,Seven Generations能源有限公司和ARC資源有限公司同意合并。此前,Tourmaline石油公司去年秋天收購了競爭對手Jupiter Resources Ltd.和Modern Resources Inc.,油砂生產商塞諾佛斯能源公司收購了赫斯基能源公司。
????殼牌公司的交易為Crescent Point 提供了新的富含凝析油的天然氣生產,該地區位于阿爾伯塔省,頁巖氣產量不斷增長。Crescent Point將2021年過剩現金流的指導值修改為3.75-6億加元,基于每桶50-60美元的WTI價格。
????殼牌上游董事Wael Sawan在一份聲明中表示:“剝離這些資產是殼牌努力將上游投資組合集中在交付現金上的基礎。雖然我們相信這些資產有價值,但撤資使我們能夠專注于我們的核心上游位置,如二疊紀盆地,其具有完整的價值鏈,從而建立一個彈性強、風險較低、不太復雜的投資組合。”
????王磊 摘譯自 世界石油
????Shell sells its Alberta shale assets to Calgary-based Crescent Point
????Crescent Point Energy Corp. agreed to buy some of Royal Dutch Shell Plc’s Western Canadian shale operations for about C$900 million ($707 million) in the latest example of consolidation in the Canadian oil and gas sector.
????Calgary-based Crescent Point, an oil driller with a focus on Saskatchewan, will acquire Shell’s Kaybob Duvernay assets for $550 million in cash and 50 million Crescent Point common shares. The assets are expected to produce about 35,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day by the second quarter, including a number of drilled and uncompleted wells that are about to come on stream, the company said in a release.
????The acquisition marks the latest in a string of deals involving Western Canada energy producers. Last week, Seven Generations Energy Ltd. and ARC Resources Ltd. agreed to merge. That deal followed Tourmaline Oil Corp.’s purchase of rivals Jupiter Resources Ltd. and Modern Resources Inc. last fall, and a much larger deal in which oil sands producer Cenovus Energy Inc. took over Husky Energy Inc.
????The Shell deal provides Crescent Point with new condensate-rich gas production in a growing shale play located in Alberta. Crescent Point revised its guidance for excess cash flow in 2021 to between C$375 and C$600 million, assuming WTI prices of $50 to $60 a barrel.
????Shell, which sold most of its oil sands operations in 2017, said Wednesday’s sale allows the company to focus on “core” upstream positions such as the Permian Basin.
????“Divesting these assets underpins Shell’s effort to focus the Upstream portfolio to deliver cash,” Wael Sawan, upstream director at Shell, said in a statement. “While we believe these assets hold value, the divestment allows us to focus on our core Upstream positions like the Permian Basin, with integrated value chains, thereby building a resilient, lower-risk and less complex portfolio.”