???? 據ICIS-MRC網站2月18日莫斯科報道,據烴加工網站信息顯示,美國天然氣價格飛漲促使一些中西部乙醇生產商在上周減少了加工,希望利用目前寒冷天氣造成的高現貨價格,出售部分天然氣。
????根據Refinitiv Eikon的數據顯示,由于天氣寒冷,Corn Belt的乙醇利潤率大幅下降--至每加侖-3.92美元,是至少2010年以來的最低水平。天然氣價格因電力需求而飆升,由于寒潮而達到多年來的最高水平。
????他計算得出,在現貨市場上,他用于生產乙醇的天然氣的典型成本每天略高于3萬美元。但價格的飆升意味著,如果他每天購買天然氣,成本將達200萬美元。 因此,這位生產商表示,他不得不試圖出售他的天然氣,在這個過程中削減乙醇的生產。
????郝芬 譯自 ICIS-MRC
????Some U.S. ethanol producers reduce production to sell natural gas for a profit
????Sky-high U.S. natural gas prices have prompted some Midwestern ethanol producers to reduce processing in the last week, hoping instead to sell off some of their natural gas to take advantage of current high spot prices caused by the spike in cold weather, said Hydrocarbonprocessing.
????Ethanol margins in the Corn Belt have dropped sharply due to the frigid weather, falling to negative-USD3.92 a gallon, lowest since at least 2010, Refinitiv Eikon data showed. Natural gas prices have soared because of power needs, hitting their highest levels in years due to the cold snap.
????At the Waha hub in the Permian basin in Texas, next-day gas prices rose last week to as high as USD157.714 per million British thermal units (mmBtu).
????The astronomical prices forced some ethanol producers who have not yet purchased all their needed natural gas to consider whether to reduce processing to avoid the high prices. It has forced others who have their natural gas bought to consider whether to reduce production rates to sell into the spot market. One ethanol producer reduced his company’s run rate by more than 25% last week to sell natural gas that he earlier had bought at a contracted price.
????He calculated that his typical cost for gas used to produce ethanol comes to just over $30,000 per day in the spot market. But the surge in prices means that cost would amount to $2 million if he were buying gas daily. As a result, this producer said, he had to try to sell off his natural gas, cutting ethanol production in the process.