???? 據彭博社2月26日消息:由于大流行抑制了全球石油需求,美國原油產量在2020年出現四年來的首次下降。
????疫情危機削減了對原油衍生的汽油,柴油和噴氣燃料的需求后,鉆井工人在全國各地的油田閑置了鉆井平臺。 在去年四月市場危機高峰期,西德克薩斯中質原油期貨收于每桶-37.63美元,這是該商品歷史上首次收于零下方。
????馮娟 摘譯自 彭博社
????U.S. Crude Output Fell for the First Time Last Year Since 2016
????U.S. crude production dropped for the first time in four years in 2020 as the pandemic crushed global oil demand.
????American crude output averaged 11.313 million barrels a day last year, down nearly 8% from the year prior, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration. That’s the lowest production rate since 2018 and it marked the biggest year-over-year percentage decline since 1949.
????Drillers laid down rigs in oil fields across the country after the heath crisis sapped demand for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel derived from crude. At the peak of the market crisis in April, West Texas Intermediate futures settled at -$37.63 a barrel, marking the first time in history the commodity closed below zero.