這家能源巨頭在一次在線會議上表示,它已向歐盟和德國申請了用于開展這項工作的專項脫碳資金補貼。殼牌德國公司負責人Fabian Ziegler說,每年應該花費數億歐元,但他沒有給出公司和公共資金的理想比例。
殼牌還提供了建造一個100兆瓦的電解工廠的時間表,該工廠將被稱為Refhyne II,從現有的10兆瓦工廠擴大規模。當生產過程中使用可再生能源發電時,氫氣被視為一種綠色燃料。殼牌已開始獲得海上風力發電資產,可以將這些資產產生的電力用作電解的原料。
通過對虛擬電廠運營商Next Kraftwerke的最新收購,該公司獲得了生物質發電和太陽能發電廠的接入權。Ziegler表示,Refhyne II的最終投資決定將于今年做出,生產可能會在2025年底開始。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 安迅思
Shell aims to produce clean aviation fuel, naphtha
Royal Dutch Shell in Germany aims to produce aviation fuel and naphtha made from crops and renewable power and to increase to commercial scale an electrolysis plant that makes fossil-free hydrogen, as it seeks to move away from crude oil.
The energy major told an online conference it had applied for subsidies to carry out the work from the European Union and from German funds earmarked for decarbonisation. Fabian Ziegler, head of Shell Deutschland, said several hundred million euros should be spent per year, but he did not give a desired ratio between company and public funding.
The global Shell group has set itself a goal of net zero emissions by 2050. At Wesseling, part of the Rheinland refinery, Shell plans to use green electricity and biomass to produce synthetic power-to-liquids (ptl) in a carbon-free way to replace, over the long term, conventional jet fuel and naphtha. The 100,000 tonnes/p.a. ptl plant could be built from 2023 and start producing in 2025.
Shell also gave a timeline for building a 100 megawatt (MW) electrolysis plant, to be called Refhyne II, scaling up from an existing 10 MW plant. Hydrogen is considered a green fuel when electricity from renewable energy sources is used in its production. Shell has begun securing offshore wind power assets whose electricity it could use as feedstock for electrolysis.
Through its latest purchase of Next Kraftwerke, a virtual power plant (VPP) operator, it gets access to aggregated biomass-to-power and solar plants. A final investment decision for Refhyne II is due this year and production could start by the end of 2025, Ziegler said.
The Berlin government last summer earmarked 7 billion euros for the build-up of green hydrogen in Germany, plus a further 2 billion euros to set up partnerships with other countries, to introduce the alternative fuel across industries and energy. The market's build-up will take many years but there are clear targets in place for 2030, accompanied by plans to repurpose existing gas and oil transport infrastructure for example around existing refinery clusters.
Hydrogen has a high energy content by mass, but conversion losses from electrolysis and high costs involved in readying it for delivery pose challenges. Costs of producing green hydrogen of 5-6 euros per kg must come down, given that fossil fuels-based hydrogen costs 1.50 euros/kg, he said. Shell wants to build up transport sector delivery chains for hydrogen and provide electric charging.